Since Reflect was launched in Mozambique, it has attracted the interest of a number of other organisations. Save the Children Federation (US) have started up a programme in Gaza Province. Goal, an Irish NGO has innovated with Reflect in marginal urban areas around Maputo City. In Niassa Province a range of organisations have adopted the approach, including Acord, Diocese da Lichinga, Concern Universal and Kuchijinji. In all these cases ActionAid has provided initial training for facilitators, but all project costs have been covered by the organisations concerned. A Reflect trainers' network was established after a workshop in 2000 to cater for the high demand for support and training.

In a recent workshop in Zambezia for District Directors of Education, Reflect was recommended to be a central part of the next Provincial Strategic Plan for Education. One of the most powerful reasons was fleshed out in a map of local languages spoken across the different districts of Zambezia. The Education Department has no possibility of developing learning materials in the ten local languages identified. However, most people who are interested to learn simply do not speak Portuguese. In this context Reflect offers an ideal solution, enabling people to develop their own materials and learn literacy in their mother tongue whilst also having these materials translated by the facilitator and used for both oral and written practice of Portuguese. This has happened spontaneously in Reflect practice in Zambezia and could be systematized further so that each graphic involves a stage of language learning of the dominant tongue.

Advocacy on Reflect was also undertaken during the course of the year 2000. This yielded a collaborative partnership with Mined which has integrated Reflect in their work. In addition to this, ActionAid Mozambique was contacted by Danida to conduct a literacy study on the use of Reflect. This will give ActionAid an opportunity to advocate for Reflect as an approach to development.

Evaluation: An evaluation of the Reflect experiences carried out in June 1999 indicated that approximately 700 participants had acquired basic reading, writing and numeric skills and were more able to develop a critical analysis of the reality in which they live. Many Reflect circles have generated action for local development both on an individual and/or collective basis. However, the evaluation also highlighted that the project has experienced some problems, particularly with facilitator training and supervision. There has been insufficient support to facilitators in the critical early stages, partly owing to logistical constraints and confusion between stakeholders over responsibilities. This led some facilitators to lose confidence and fall back on more traditional teaching methods. Refresher training, accompaniment and better supervision is helping to address this. PAMOJA Mozambique

Regional integration: The Reflect programme in Mozambique has enjoyed close collaboration with programmes and coordination in Latin America and South Africa. Language similarities enabled Marta, the Lusophone Africa coordinator, to co-facilitate training in Brazil in September 2000. This training was an opportunity for learning and sharing of experiences with a different but also very similar context. Nico Foroni, Latin America Facilitator, has been supporting the Mozambique Reflect programme with training facilitation over the last three years. Mozambique is also part of the Southern Africa Reflect Network.

The Reflect programme in Mozambique is also now much more integrated into the development programmes of ActionAid. The integration has been made more effective since the Reflect Officer began planning with other staff, ensuring that issues arising from Reflect circles are incorporated into the plans and budgets for the coming year. ActionAid Mozambique is in the process of implementing a pilot project for Reflect that will cover issues related to HIV/AIDS, Education and Agriculture.

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