According to the Report on the Impact of HIV&AIDS on National Demography, there are 500 infection cases daily. In 2005, the national prevalence rate was 16.2%. Women between the ages of 15-24 are the most hit by the pandemic.

In Mozambique 77% of the people live in rural areas and about 95% of the man power is absorbed by the agricultural sector. Poverty rates were 54.1% in 2002/03 (INE, 2004) and the illiteracy rate has dropped to 56% (of which 71% levels of illiteracy are in women); only 25% of households live 30 km far from health units.

The STAR project objective in Mozambique is to develop an integrated approach for individual and group empowerment in the face of HIV and AIDS in three districts, namely, Mocuba, Nicoadala and Quelimane City, with the aim of reaching 20 communities by end of 2007.

Eight groups in three districts, namely Nicoadala, Mocuba and Quelimane will be involved through partners namely: Kewa, AMUDZA and Nana. Nana and AMUDZA will be targeting youths, women and highly mobile people, while Kewa will be more directed to PLWHA.

One of the key components of STAR is adult learning and communication which enable STAR circle members to read and write enabling them to access and use HIV and AIDS materials and to produce their own.

Specific Objectives

  • To ensure increased access by communities of Quelimane, Namacurra and Mocuba, to information and knowledge on HIV and AIDS, sexual and reproductive health and rights
  • To increase the capacity of poor and marginalized, including PLWHAs to engage in HIV related policy design and to advocate for their priorities, particularly in response to HIV/AIDS, and to be involved in a wider response to the epidemic at all levels
  • To promote processes that enhance communities access to health services and strengthens the capacity of relevant agencies beyond the health sector, to respond effectively to the HIV-related needs and priorities of poor and marginalized people
  • To contribute to capturing, documentation and sharing of best practices at community and other levels
  • To strengthen the literacy and communications skills of vulnerable people, particularly women, by giving them skills to negotiate, open up dialogue within the household and communities and participate in taking decisions especially in relation to sexual and reproductive health and rights.

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